Airdrop ‘BOUM’ / Project

Le projet:

Since 2008, “BOOM the grenade” has been in the streets. Today, find it in exclusive locations to facilitate exchanges among street art, NFT and Bitcoin enthusiasts.

How does BOOM the grenade work?

Spot ‘BOOM! the grenade’ in a partner location and scan it with your smartphone. You’ll receive an invitation to download an NFT.

Limited offer for the first collector’s NFT!

Want to host a grenade?

Do you have a location or are you organizing an event? Simply get in touch with me: 

The grenade you host will offer exclusive and evolving deals over time: access to an event, special announcements, future airdrops…

This way, you’re offering NFT, Bitcoin and street art enthusiasts the opportunity to win ‘Shoot The Bank’ iconic NFTs or discover new offers.

Contact me:

‘BOUM!’ Follow me to be informed of the day and place



  1. FR/ Paris (2)
  2. UK/ London (1)
  3. SP/ Barcelona (1)
  4. DE/ Berlin. (1)
  5. IT/ (soon)
  6. USA/ (soon)
  7. Participate:

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